Sunday, April 11, 2010

Japanese Terminology (3)

Japanese Word (English Word)

O-uchi-gari (Major inner reaping)
Randori (Free practice)
Rei (Bow)
Renraku-waza (Combination techniques in the opposite direction)
Renzoku-waza (Combination techniques same or similar direction)
Ryo-hiza-seoi-otoshi (Two knee shoulder drop)
San-gaku-jime (Triangular strangle)
San-gaku-osae-gatame (Triangular strangle and hold down)
Sasae- tsuri-komi-ashi (Propping drawing ankle)
Seoi-otoshi (Shoulder drop)
Shido (Light penalty - minor infringement)
Sode-tsuri-kom i-goshi (Sleeve lift pull hip)
Soto-ashi-dori-ouchi-gari (Outside leg grab major inner sweep)
Soto-kibisu-gaeshi (Outer heel trip)
Soto-maki-komi (Outside winding)
Sumi-gaeshi (Corner throw)
Tachi-rei (Standing bow)
Tachi-waza (Standing techniques)
Tai-otoshi (Hand throw body drop)
Tani-otoshi (Valley drop)
Tate-shiho-gatame (Lengthwise four quarters hold)
Te-guruma (Hand wheel)
Toketa (Hold broken)
Tomoe-nage (Circle throw)
Tori (The offensive or attacking Judoka)
Tsuri-komi-goshi (Drawing hip)
Uchi-kibisu-gaeshi (Inner heel trip)
Uchi-mata (Inner thigh)
Ude-garami (Entangled armlock)
Ude-gatame (Arm lock)
Uke (The defensive or defending Judoka)
Uki-goshi (Floating hip)
Uki-otoshi (Floating drop)
Uki-waza (Floating throw)
Ura-nage (Rear throw)
Ushiro Ukemi (Rear breakfall)
Ushiro-goshi (Rear hip)
Waza-ari-awasete-ippon (Complete point from two waza-aris)
Yoko Ukemi (Side breakfall)
Yoko-gake (Side hook)
Yoko-guruma (Side wheel)
Yoko-kata-guruma-otoshi (Side shoulder wheel body drop)
Yoko-shiho-gatame (Side four quarters hold)
Yoko-tomoe-nage (Side circle throw)
Za-rei (Kneeling bow)
Zori (Judo footwear)
De-ashi-barai (Advancing Foot Sweep)
Gyaku-juji-jime (Reverse Cross Strangle)

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