Friday, June 11, 2010

Paul Sheals - Judo World Circuit

Sky again broadcast Judo on Tuesday the 8th June. Historically any Judo shown on television has been pretty poor - usually the European or World Championships and usually the medal contests. The medal contests usually see two of the best fighters matched together and can often be a quite scrappy affair and not so exciting to anyone but the most ardent Judo fans. This however is typical of many sports and often the most eagerly awaited football matches between heavy weights like Liverpool and Manchester United can be quite scrappy with few if any goals. The difference is that most people in the UK understand football and can appreciate the skills on display even if the game is very tight. Because Judo has never really had quality broadcasting it has been difficult for new fans to get to grip with and appreciate the skills and the thrills that Judo has to offer.

The gang at Fighting Films and Sky have for the first time started to show Judo in its full glory highlighting the best throws, armlocks and strangles from all rounds and not just the final matches.

A few weeks ago we saw the first programme on Sky showing the Dusseldorf Grand Prix which was itself fabulous, Tuesday however was even better showing the Rio Grand Prix which had Judo on display that was as good as I have ever seen. Quality Judo, amazing throws and athletes at peak fitness. The great part about the sport now is that it is truly universal with fighters from all countries featuring in the medals. It is impossible to see how if given a fair run and more exposure that Judo could not become a massive sport in the UK. If you look at the likes of France, Holland, Brazil where Judo has become a massive sport and on a par with main stream sports like Football, Athletics, Swimming, Golf etc you can see it isn't just Asian countries that can embrace this sport and its magnificent athletes.

Keep it up Sky and Fighting Films - great job and more please

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